MODULE 8: Advanced Clinical Case Review and Certification Fellowship Board Exam Review: Bonus Module

This module is to focus on the most advanced clinical application of everything that was taught in the Brain Development Blueprint. This will also be used as a review module to prepare for the Fellowship board exam. This is an international board certification examination that allows professionals to take a proctored test for Fellowship in Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders and obtain a post-graduate degree.

This is where it will “all come together” from both clinical and business management perspective. Specific clinical exam and treatment forms that have been developed personally by Dr. Melillo will be given out and used in this class. In this module, we will go through some actual cases as a group. Video will be shown and testing shared from the entire case file (pre and post treatment) and case review of what treatment was done and the results will be discussed in depth. This is an excellent way to evaluate knowledge – on test cases that are being presented, which will be some of the most complex cases. Overall review of the course will be discussed, as needed for the certification testing preparation. This course is specifically for those who have completed the majority or all of the modules in this series. This is extremely high level information that is delivered in the practical and applicable way. The whole Brain Developmental Blueprint will be reviewed in the context of specific conditions and cases. Only those who have attended most of the other modules should attend this module because of its advanced content.