MODULE 7 : Behavioral and Attachment Considerations in Neurobehavioral disorders in Children with Learning Disabilities
This is the module which will complete the Brain Development Blueprint by focusing on the anatomy and physiology of specific prefrontal cortex networks.
Although we have reviewed this previously, now we will approach it from a practical perspective where the goal is to functionally measure each network on either side of the brain to identify specific deficits and relate them to specific symptoms. We will then focus on what can be done to specifically target and treat those networks to restore balance and integration. These five basic networks, that include the premotor cortex, the frontal eye fields, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate, make up the basis of all human behavior. They are also the primary source of all abnormal human behavior. So, specifically addressing these areas is the most advanced form of functional neurology. We will describe in detail the neurology of behavior, emotion, attachment and personality development. The learners will also experience powerful positive psychology principles and motivational techniques to use personally and professionally. They will understand the neurological and hemispheric considerations in Behavior and Attachment Theory in both children and adults, from the inside out. We will be going in depth for the functional of all layers of the brain and will be also covering the brain and immune axis. We will then move into family rules, values and goals and design implementation for a positive program. We will also review in detail and discuss the Social Engagement System. This module will apply to both adults and children and can be used in everyday practice by every professional. The trainees will be able to learn how to assess their own attachment styles and understand how this relates to the formation of social relationships throughout their lives. This module is one of the most powerful modules in the course because it will give you a complete and expert understanding of normal and abnormal human behavior and relationships and how to specifically change behavior, as well. As in each module, we will now also go through specific treatment protocols for various disorders related to attachment, behavior and learning and see what are the Digital Health tools in that respect (such as virtual reality, computer games, frequencies of sound and vibration and laser).